Shop HITACHI EX200-2-3-5 210-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

Shop HITACHI EX200-2-3-5 210-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX200-2-3-5 210-5 BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®
Maintaining Efficiency: A properly functioning hydraulic system is essential for the efficient operation of an excavator. The seal kit helps maintain the hydraulic system's integrity, ensuring that the boom extension and retraction functions work as intended.
HITACHI EX200-2-3-5 210-5, BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee®

Seal Durability: The seals in the Hitachi EX200-2-3-5 210-5 boom ram seal kit are built to withstand the immense pressures and movements associated with boom operation.

This durability ensures a longer service life and reduces the frequency of maintenance and replacements.

Resistance to Hydraulic Fluids: The seals are engineered to be highly resistant to the hydraulic fluids used in excavators. This resistance prevents fluid leakage, maintaining the hydraulic system's efficiency and preventing environmental contamination.

Custom Fit: The seals are precisely designed to fit the hydraulic cylinder components of the mentioned Hitachi excavator models. This ensures a tight seal, preventing fluid leaks and ensuring optimal hydraulic pressure.

Easy Installation: The seal kit is designed for straightforward installation, reducing downtime during maintenance or repair. This feature is particularly important in construction and excavation operations, where every minute of downtime can be costly.

Cost-Efficiency: By preventing hydraulic fluid leaks and reducing the frequency of maintenance, the seal kit contributes to cost-efficiency in the long run.

It helps extend the lifespan of critical hydraulic components, minimizing the need for expensive replacements.

The Hitachi EX200-2-3-5 210-5 boom ram seal kit is of paramount importance for several reasons:

Preventing Leaks: The seals in this kit ensure that hydraulic fluid does not escape from the hydraulic cylinders. Hydraulic fluid leaks can lead to reduced performance and potentially dangerous operating conditions.

Maintaining Efficiency: A properly functioning hydraulic system is essential for the efficient operation of an excavator. The seal kit helps maintain the hydraulic system's integrity, ensuring that the boom extension and retraction functions work as intended.

Reducing Downtime: The seal kit's durability and ease of installation contribute to reduced downtime during maintenance or repair. This is crucial in construction and excavation operations where productivity is key.
BOOM RAM SEAL KIT | Tonkee® HITACHI EX200-2-3-5 210-5