Shop HITACHI EX120-5 CAB SEAM RUBBER (OEM HI 4369574) | Tonkee®

Shop HITACHI EX120-5 CAB SEAM RUBBER (OEM HI 4369574) | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX120-5 CAB SEAM RUBBER (OEM HI 4369574) | Tonkee®
Installation: The cab seam rubber is designed for easy installation, typically fitting into place without the need for complex tools or equipment.
Compatibility: It is specifically designed for use with the Hitachi EX120-5 excavator model, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.
HITACHI EX120-5 CAB, SEAM RUBBER (OEM HI 4369574) | Tonkee®

Sealing and Insulation: One of the primary functions of cab seam rubber is to create a weatherproof seal between the various components of the cab, including the windows, doors, and roof.

This sealing action prevents the intrusion of water, dust, and other environmental elements into the cab, ensuring a comfortable and safe environment for the operator.

Noise Reduction: Cab seam rubber also serves as an effective sound insulator. It helps reduce the transmission of noise from the external environment, such as the engine and hydraulic systems, into the operator's cabin. This contributes to a quieter and more comfortable working environment for the excavator operator.

Vibration Dampening: The cab seam rubber has vibration-dampening properties, which help absorb and reduce the impact of vibrations generated by the excavator's operation. This enhances operator comfort and reduces operator fatigue during extended working hours.

Temperature Regulation: It plays a role in regulating the temperature inside the cab. By sealing any gaps or seams, it helps in maintaining a consistent internal temperature, especially in extreme weather conditions. This contributes to operator comfort and safety.

Longevity and Durability: The OEM cab seam rubber, such as the one manufactured by Tonkee®, is designed and manufactured to meet high-quality standards. It is made from durable materials that are resistant to wear and tear, ensuring a longer service life.

The specifications of the Hitachi EX120-5 Cab Seam Rubber (OEM HI 4369574) by Tonkee® can vary slightly depending on the specific model and production year.

However, some general specifications include:

Material: Typically, cab seam rubbers are made from high-quality rubber or rubber-like materials that offer excellent sealing properties and durability.

Dimensions: The dimensions of the cab seam rubber can vary, but it is designed to fit precisely into the seams and gaps of the Hitachi EX120-5 excavator's cab structure. This ensures a tight and secure fit.

Installation: The cab seam rubber is designed for easy installation, typically fitting into place without the need for complex tools or equipment.

Compatibility: It is specifically designed for use with the Hitachi EX120-5 excavator model, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance.

OEM Quality: As an OEM component, the cab seam rubber by Tonkee® is manufactured to meet or exceed the quality and performance standards set by Hitachi. This ensures reliability and longevity.
HITACHI EX120-5 CAB SEAM RUBBER (OEM HI 4369574) | Tonkee®