China HITACHI EX120 200-5 HOUR MILEAGE METER (OEM HI 4370316) | Tonkee®

China HITACHI EX120 200-5 HOUR MILEAGE METER (OEM HI 4370316) | Tonkee®

HITACHI EX120 200-5 HOUR MILEAGE METER (OEM HI 4370316) | Tonkee®
The meter typically features a digital display that is easy for operators to read, even in challenging working conditions. It is designed to withstand the rugged environment in which construction and excavation equipment operates, offering durability and resistance to dust, vibrations, and moisture. This robust construction ensures that the meter remains functional and accurate, even in harsh working environments.
HITACHI EX120 200-5 HOUR, MILEAGE METER (OEM HI 4370316) | Tonkee®

At its core, the hour mileage meter is a multifunctional instrument that records and displays both the operating hours and the mileage traveled by the machine.

This information is invaluable for various reasons, including maintenance scheduling, calculating fuel efficiency, and determining overall machine productivity.

One of the primary functions of the hour mileage meter is to track operating hours accurately. This data is essential for maintenance purposes, as it helps operators and technicians plan routine service intervals effectively. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of heavy machinery like the Hitachi EX120-5. By knowing how many hours the machine has been in operation, maintenance teams can schedule tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and other service activities at the right intervals, reducing downtime and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

Additionally, the hour mileage meter provides mileage information, which is especially important for construction and excavation projects. Knowing the distance the machine has traveled is essential for cost estimation, project planning, and ensuring that the machine is operating within the designated work area. This data aids in optimizing fuel consumption and improving project efficiency.

The Hitachi EX120-5 Hour Mileage Meter, with its OEM designation (Original Equipment Manufacturer), guarantees compatibility and reliability.

OEM components are manufactured to meet the highest quality standards set by Hitachi, ensuring that they integrate seamlessly with the excavator's systems and provide accurate and dependable data.

The meter typically features a digital display that is easy for operators to read, even in challenging working conditions. It is designed to withstand the rugged environment in which construction and excavation equipment operates, offering durability and resistance to dust, vibrations, and moisture. This robust construction ensures that the meter remains functional and accurate, even in harsh working environments.

Furthermore, modern hour mileage meters often come equipped with additional features and capabilities. For example, some meters can provide alerts or warnings when certain maintenance intervals are approaching, helping operators stay proactive in their machine care. Others may have data logging capabilities, allowing for the storage and retrieval of historical usage data for analysis and reporting purposes.
HITACHI EX120 200-5 HOUR MILEAGE METER (OEM HI 4370316) | Tonkee®