Buy HITACHI ZX ZAXIS 120 130-1 SERIES SLEW BOX SEAL 225 X 188 X 16MM | Tonkee®

Buy HITACHI ZX ZAXIS 120 130-1 SERIES SLEW BOX SEAL 225 X 188 X 16MM | Tonkee®

HITACHI ZX ZAXIS 120 130-1 SERIES SLEW BOX SEAL 225 X 188 X 16MM | Tonkee®
The Hitachi ZX ZAXIS 120 and 130-1 Series Slew Box Seal is engineered to exact specifications to ensure compatibility with these specific excavator models. This ensures that the seal fits seamlessly within the hydraulic system without the need for modifications or adjustments.
HITACHI ZX ZAXIS 120 130-1, SERIES SLEW BOX SEAL 225 X 188 X 16MM | Tonkee®

The seal is typically constructed from high-quality materials, such as synthetic rubber or polyurethane, that exhibit exceptional durability and resistance to wear and tear.

This robust construction is essential to ensure that the seal can withstand the harsh operating conditions commonly encountered in construction and excavation projects.

Size and Dimensions:
Measuring 225 x 188 x 16mm, the seal is designed to fit precisely within the slew box of the Hitachi ZX ZAXIS 120 and 130-1 Series excavators. The dimensions are critical to guarantee a snug and effective fit, preventing any leaks or contamination from entering the slew box.

The primary function of the slew box seal is to prevent hydraulic fluid leakage from the slew box, which houses critical components responsible for the rotation of the excavator's upper structure. This seal acts as a barrier, effectively containing hydraulic fluids and ensuring they remain within the system, maintaining the excavator's operational efficiency.

Sealing Mechanism:
The seal employs a combination of lip seals and/or mechanical seals, depending on the specific design of the slew box.

These seals work together to create a tight barrier that prevents fluid from escaping while also inhibiting the entry of contaminants, such as dirt and debris, which can compromise the performance and longevity of the hydraulic system.

The Hitachi ZX ZAXIS 120 and 130-1 Series Slew Box Seal is engineered to exact specifications to ensure compatibility with these specific excavator models. This ensures that the seal fits seamlessly within the hydraulic system without the need for modifications or adjustments.

Performance Under Pressure:
In the demanding environment of construction and excavation, hydraulic systems operate under immense pressure. The seal is designed to excel under these conditions, maintaining its integrity and preventing any pressure-induced leaks. This reliability is essential for the safe and efficient operation of the excavator.

Longevity and Maintenance:
Due to the robust construction and high-quality materials used in its manufacturing, the seal boasts an extended service life. This means that it can endure prolonged use in challenging environments without frequent replacement, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.
HITACHI ZX ZAXIS 120 130-1 SERIES SLEW BOX SEAL 225 X 188 X 16MM | Tonkee®